A Century of Scratch Baking
Delivered to Your Door

Our story is your story.
It begins, 1913, Rome, Italy: Giulio Forti, scratch baker, ventures to
Minnesota’s Iron Range. Begins baking his Italian Bread by hand,
from scratch. Sunrise Bakery is born. Today, here we are, fourth
generation, second century, still baking Giulio’s Italian bread, by
hand, from scratch.
The World changes all of us, but not our promise to you: to craft high
quality baked goods and breads from scratch to bring your family
to the table.
Why? Because the world will always change, but good food will
always bring us together.
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Our story is your story.
It begins, 1913, Rome, Italy: Giulio Forti, scratch baker, ventures to Minnesota’s Iron Range. Begins baking his Italian Bread by hand, from scratch. Sunrise Bakery is born. Today, here we are, fourth generation, second century, still baking Giulio’s Italian bread, by hand, from scratch.
The World changes all of us, but not our promise to you: to craft high quality baked goods and breads from scratch to bring your family to the table.
Why? Because the world will always change, but good food will always bring us together.
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Our story is your story.
It begins, 1913, Rome, Italy: Giulio Forti, scratch baker, ventures to Minnesota’s Iron Range. Begins baking his Italian Bread by hand, from scratch. Sunrise Bakery is born. Today, here we are, fourth generation, second century, still baking Giulio’s Italian bread, by hand, from scratch.
The World changes all of us, but not our promise to you: to craft high quality baked goods and breads from scratch to bring your family to the table.
Why? Because the world will always change, but good food will always bring us together.
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